

Dogs and cats in the Czech Republic the most per capita in Europe

Dogs and cats in the Czech Republic the most per capita in Europe. In four and a half million households in the Czech Republic are estimated to live nearly two million dogs and cats million. One or more pet behaves according to statistics, half of Czech households. The number of animals per population are in Europe at the tip. About a quarter of Czech dogs also has a certificate of origin.
PHOTO: Profimedia.cz 

Saturday, the 10th March 2012, 11:51

For example, in Germany (82mil. people) behave around ten million dogs and cats six million. Pet treats only 13 percent of households.According to a survey conducted for the German organization Verband für das Deutsche Hundewesen has 38 dogs in France, 37 in Belgium and Ireland, 36.25 percent of households. The least dogs live in Switzerland, where it has only 10, and in Germany and Norway already mentioned, 13 percent of households.

"We have a dog and four cats. The family lived there two budgies, "affirmed the right Zdena Macháčková. According breeding organizations but in Czech families live far more animals (dwarf rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, turtles, etc. )

Most often the animal according to a survey conducted by Focus, Marketing and Social Research sourcing people for 45 years old when children leave home. The animal is a safeguard against loneliness. The animal has a positive effect on the psyche. Does the owner or owner likes the way they are. Animal costs moneyContributes to the fact that people do not feel so alone, consistent with psychologists. Then it is a legitimate question whether the behavior of many animals just because we feel like the people in the Czech Republic often lonely.

Only a veterinarian Czechs spend by GfK year, according to estimates, more than two billion crowns.Animals act as domestic partners especially in the cities. The village is taken more as a guard dog. An animal that requires walking a few times a day, often keeping their owners in the physical condition, no dog would do a few steps to the car or to work.

Animal husbandry are also national tradition, most recently as to social etiquette. But this concerns animals, where the cost is comparable to the price of a used car, for example in the case of exotic parrots and a new car.

Animal husbandry, it is not cheap. For dog must pay a fee in cities of more than a thousand crowns a year. Fifteen pounds of food for a dog is one thousand. Cat food is for fourteen crowns. Price collar is around 150 crowns bed for a dog is between 150 to 1,300 crowns, two hundred or training to 1,500 crowns per hour. Toilet for cats comes to 150-600 crowns.Cheapest is not testing or vet care. Basic vaccination comes to 600 crowns. The fundamental operation dog but can also go to 20 and more thousand.Animals today are a thriving business. Only a veterinarian Czechs spend by GfK year, according to estimates, more than two billion crowns. 

Another issue Czechs billion for food and other goods related to animal breeding. According to estimates GfK survey in the Czech Republic annually sells 80,000 tons of dog food. Given that the kilogram is averaging 25 to 30 crowns, Czechs apparently spent feeding around two billion a year.In ten years could feed double the amount sold. Develops business with a dog pohřebnictvím. There is increasing salons where the dog or cat treats completely, including the purchase of clothing. Incidentally, they are also cheap. Suit for dog comes to several hundred.

 Zdroj: Novinky.cz Psů a koček je v ČR na obyvatele nejvíce v Evropě

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